

Modellbau Schönheide GmbH


We would like to introduce you to our contact persons at this point. Our team consists of dedicated and experienced employees who will be happy to assist you with all your questions and concerns.

For general inquiries, appointments, and other concerns, please contact our customer service department at +4937755 61-0 or by email Verschlüsselte E-Mail Info.

Range of services

If you have any questions about our range of services, please contact our sales department:

Herr Wicher

Phone: +49 37755 611807
E-Mail: Verschlüsselte E-Mail Wicher


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our human resources department:

Frau Axmann

Phone: +49 37755 611818
E-Mail: Verschlüsselte E-Mail Axmann


If you have any questions regarding procurement, our purchasing department is at your disposal:

E-Mail: Verschlüsselte E-Mail Beschaffung

Contact us now!

* We require marked fields for technical reasons. Alternatively, you can also reach us via e-mail.

Show on Google Maps:
Visitor approach: Lindenstraße 36, 08304 Schönheide
Supplier approach: Hauptstraße 112, 08304 Schönheide